Ian Zammit

Iceland Erasmus Work Experience

RIFF Work Experience

In the year 2022 I have applied for the chance to participate for the erasmus trip with the mcast institute. After the interviews I was selected along side 2 other mcast students. For this work experience I am placed in the website editor intern, where my responsibility for this job is to meet the requirments an update the webstie design and the addition of new features that they request. Such examples for this work I have used event timer, advanced corousel, responsive web design and much more. Disclamier as of this moment the website is still being improved on.
PS The pages might change as there is still time for improvement as of this date.

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Iceland Exploration

I have also in my free time explored iceland such as the city Reykjavik and other land marks.

Malta Airport

Train In Reykjavik Downtown

Top Of Mountian Esja Iceland

Reykjavik Harbor

Kermóafoss Waterfall

Krýsuvík Geothermal Area

Fagradalsfjall 2022 Eruption

Fagradalsfjall 2022 Eruption

Katlahraun Lava Beach

Blue Lagoon

Mountian View

Old Volcano Activity

Random Mountian

Kerid Crater

Gullfoss Falls

Þingvellir National Park

Scenic View

scenic View

Iceburg lake


Black Sand Beach


Diamond Beach

National Park