Ian Zammit

Multimedia Software Developer

About Me

Determination is one of my strong suite, when I set my mind weather it is work or study I will make sure that I will complete it to best of my ability. Such as example can be seen with my achievement of getting a degree or the recent climb Mountian Esja in iceland. This goes to show that I am able to achieve anything I set my mind to both physically and mentally. PS (Not saying nothing will stop me but I do not tend to give up easily). Now my main goal is to gain some work experience. Some of my other strength's can be found in the Letter Of Reference that were provided by past work placements.

As of this July, I was a student studying at the Institute Of Information Communication Technology with Mcast. In 2022 I have finished my Bachleor Degree in Multimedia Software Development.

Currently I am doing my working experience with the company RIFF Film Festival in Iceland Reykjavik. I am incharge of website changes with with wordpress elementor platform. I have started this experience in 3 July 2022 till 14 October 2022.

My previous work in 2021 was with the KNZ group where in this field of work I was introduced to wordpress and elementor front end, while also I have improved there website both in visual design, functionallity with regards to the performance. I have created Animated GIFs as they can be seen here GIF'S Created.
My personal interest in Game Development and 3D Modelling have always been impressed by seeing the new latest game development is a source of motivation and inspiration for the road that I want to partake in. My Game Inspiration are Last of Us, Resident Evil 5, Dayz, 7 Days To Die, GTAV, BattleField 3, The Walking Dead, many more. PS (Not nessary looking for this type of work).

Information About Me: I am born and raised in the island of Malta. Was born on June 14 1997. I have a casual small collection of comics, bottle caps, and like to do some drawing/sketching, video editing, game development, 3D structuring, reading manga and books.

My Plans For The Future: My current goal after studying for 8 years to get my degree is to get some work experience. I am planning to do a part time master's to further elevate my knowledge in this field.

Technical skills : HTML CSS JS Java Android Studio Devops BlockChain Firebase
Other Skills :  Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Illustrator Adobe XD Maya
Currently Learning : PHP C++ ReactJS Wordpress Blender Krita Mysql

Recently Work Created

Mood Board Example 1

Mood Board Example 2

Web Animation Example

Project Made

Learning Project

View more - Project Made With
Unity Game Engine
& Firebase
Erasmus 2022

View more - Work Experience
Gifs Created

View more - Adobe Photoshop
& Priemre Pro
Personal Graphics

View more - Multiple Adobe
programs used
Maya & Blender

Summary: With the Maya program I have created furniture, animations, skeletons for figures and much more. I have learned this subject with year experience in the field of learning. For Blender I am learning by myself and just started learning it ! :)

View more - Maya & Blender